Tone of voice

Posts on achieving and maintaining the right tone of voice in written communications.

Plain English Patrol 1 Plain English Patrol 1

Three examples of unclear writing from my everyday life, and how I’d improve them.

Start simple Start simple

The best way to get the right tone at the end is to keep it simple at the start.

A compilation of cutesy crisp copy A compilation of cutesy crisp copy

A look at the copywriting choices made by four of the UK’s premium crisp brands.

Does clunky click? Does clunky click?

Are deliberately clunky and unusual slogans more memorable?

Copywriting for empathy Copywriting for empathy

Generating empathy means gently alluding to shared ideas or experiences – not corporate boasting.

Divisive copywriting Divisive copywriting

Sometimes, striking the right tone of voice is about deciding who you care about – and who you don’t.

Don’t be ashamed of your brand values Don’t be ashamed of your brand values

Sellotape’s latest slogan centres on creativity and inspiration. But are those the brand’s true values?

Tone of voice and customer experience Tone of voice and customer experience

Tone of voice should be consistent throughout the customer experience, but marketers tend to look for easier wins.

On funky copywriting On funky copywriting

Funky copywriting takes an informal, offbeat and informal tone in order to generate rapport with readers. But it needs to be done with care, and at the right time.