
In defence of SEO copywriting

The value of SEO and specialist online copywriting is often questioned. But the nature of the online experience means that particular approaches are required if commercial benefits are to be realised.

The morning after The morning after

Yesterday, I held a party on Twitter to celebrate reaching 2000 followers.

Google, social search and the future of online PR

The future of search marketing depends on Google’s ability to sift through the spam, in social media and elsewhere. Louis Venter of Mediavision looks in to his crystal ball.

The contradictory world of the freelancer The contradictory world of the freelancer

From the outside, freelancing must look pretty romantic. But there are just as many drawbacks as positives. This post looks at a few of the contradictions of freelance life.

Verbal disagreement at Barclays Verbal disagreement at Barclays

The bigger the text, the harder it is to spot the mistake – as this online banner from Barclays Bank proves.

How to exploit irrational decision-making

Human beings are very bad at making balanced, rational decisions. Here are some of the biases that copywriters can exploit to make a sale.

Why great content is like a pie Why great content is like a pie

Great content and great pies – so much in common.

How to plan your user’s online journey How to plan your user’s online journey

Your user’s online journey begins long before they arrive at your site, and continues after they leave. Here are some ideas for planning and optimising your user’s path to purchasing.

How to use metaphors in copywriting How to use metaphors in copywriting

Metaphors can make your meaning clearer, but they can also obscure it. This guide explains how to use them for more effective copywriting.