Ten top tips to help you create a winning list of top social-media tips.
A brief summary of the copyright position for UK copywriters.
Metacopywriting, or writing text that refers to the content or nature of the marketing message, is an arresting but high-risk tactic. This article weighs up the pros and cons.
Most service providers are obliged to give some unpaid consultancy to their prospective clients, usually in a proposal, in order to close a sale. But how far should you go in sharing your valuable knowledge for free?
Ten marketing partygoers you don’t want to meet – or to become.
What would life be like if we did everything that Twitter says?
For freelancers, the most important thing is a positive outcome for the project – not the chance to show off some smarts. Humility can be a valuable asset.
Most people take a pretty relaxed attitude to the content they post at Twitter. But is this the right approach if you’re looking to promote yourself professionally online?
There are many reasons why clients move on – and just as many reasons not to get too upset about it.