
Copywriting with The Beatles Copywriting with The Beatles

Dear sir or madam, will you read my post?

Five (quick) reasons to love rush jobs Five (quick) reasons to love rush jobs

Rush jobs can be stressful, but there’s a lot to love about them too.

When brands run wild When brands run wild

Why do brands affect values that don’t reflect reality?

Show, don’t tell Show, don’t tell

The best way to influence the reader is to actively involve them in the message.

What is Brand Melody™? What is Brand Melody™?

Brand Melody™ promises to reconnect human branding with product, culture, people and the human networks they create and inhabit.

Know your B2B value proposition Know your B2B value proposition

Before you approach customers, you should know the particular value and benefit you offer them.

Start simple Start simple

The best way to get the right tone at the end is to keep it simple at the start.

A compilation of cutesy crisp copy A compilation of cutesy crisp copy

A look at the copywriting choices made by four of the UK’s premium crisp brands.

Brands aren’t made of branding Brands aren’t made of branding

Affection for unlikely brands shows that the real driving force behind them is customer experience, not marketing.