
The madness of QR codes The madness of QR codes

Why using QR codes in traditional advertising just doesn’t make sense.

My greatest blogging hits (and misses) My greatest blogging hits (and misses)

A compilation of my most and least successful blog posts.

Dennis Waterman’s pathetic passives Dennis Waterman’s pathetic passives

The actor’s remarks on domestic violence highlight the evasive use of the passive case.

Healthy copywriting from 38 Degrees Healthy copywriting from 38 Degrees

An analysis of 38 Degrees’ poster campaign criticising the NHS reforms.

25 great Twitter disclaimers 25 great Twitter disclaimers

Strong opinions need a strong disclaimer. Get some inspiration here.

The NNF rebrand and creative talent The NNF rebrand and creative talent

My thoughts on the Norfolk & Norwich Festival rebrand, which went to an agency from Colchester.

A post from the future A post from the future

How web content might look a few years from now.

Why rankings matter Why rankings matter

Ranking isn’t the only thing you should focus on, but it is important.

The Toast Plate The Toast Plate

A revolutionary device created specifically for the serious toast eater.