
Why I’m not a sharent Why I’m not a sharent

Posting intimate details of your children online violates their future privacy.

Best poster ever Best poster ever

An audacious branding coup analysed.

2084 2084

A look at the future through Google Glass.

Cleaning up the Chip Shop Cleaning up the Chip Shop

How the Chip Shop Awards could avoid any further batterings.

Why grammar matters Why grammar matters

Why it’s worth knowing the rules of grammar, even if you plan to break them.

A copywriter is… A copywriter is…

A few of the things that a copywriter is.

Why saying ‘no’ is good for business Why saying ‘no’ is good for business

When it comes to friends, you’re better off saying ‘no’ than resenting the work you’ve done and destroying the friendship.

Free copywriting ebook: The ABC of Copywriting Free copywriting ebook: The ABC of Copywriting

Download my ebook, The ABC of Copywriting, completely free.

Twenty business metaphors and what they mean Twenty business metaphors and what they mean

Metaphors shape our thinking as well as our writing. Here are 20 often used in business.