Posts on digital marketing and social media.
Yesterday, I held a party on Twitter to celebrate reaching 2000 followers.
Great content and great pies – so much in common.
Current search marketing practices, such as article marketing, are clearly unsustainable. But how will search evolve in the future?
The Apple iPad is sure to change the way digital marketers reach certain segments, or promote certain products.
Has it become too easy to post negative reviews of companies online?
Social media such as Twitter perhaps make it too easy for us to express our darker feelings.
Most Twitter users keep their posts upbeat and positive. But is a relentlessly sunny worldview really truthful?
Web 2.0 and social media are powerful enablers of ‘co-opetition’, since they facilitate such easy communication between companies or individuals who are nominally competitors
A few thoughts on how the Twitter and Facebook of today might morph into the friendlier, more integrated real-time social media of tomorrow.