The danger of simple ideas The danger of simple ideas

Marketers love to keep it simple, but is that always the right approach?

Goodbye, Lynx effect Goodbye, Lynx effect

A look back at Lynx ads of the past, and some thoughts on the latest campaign.

Just what are the John Lewis Christmas ads? Just what are the John Lewis Christmas ads?

A look at the 2015 John Lewis Christmas ad and how the creative strategy behind the ads has developed over the years.

Twelve ideas for a better Twitter Twelve ideas for a better Twitter

Some modest proposals for improving Twitter.

The many hats of the freelance copywriter The many hats of the freelance copywriter

There’s so much more to working as a copywriter than just copywriting.

Aspects of Bagpuss Aspects of Bagpuss

Critical perspectives on the most popular children’s TV character ever.

A new story for Labour A new story for Labour

Some thoughts on Labour’s failure to tell a compelling story in 2015, and how to put it right.

Put some rhythm in your copy Put some rhythm in your copy

A few ideas for improving the pace and cadence of your copywriting.

For want of a word For want of a word

How a tiny copy tweak could have saved the #lastsummer campaign from a social-media beasting.