Why I don’t like Buster the Boxer Why I don’t like Buster the Boxer

Why I feel this year’s John Lewis Christmas ad is a missed opportunity.

Thirteen devilishly persuasive copywriting techniques Thirteen devilishly persuasive copywriting techniques

Forget the engagement and bring the manipulation with these thirteen killer techniques.

Butlin’s copywriting review Butlin’s copywriting review

A copywriting tour round the holiday park at Butlin’s Skegness.

Say what you’re selling Say what you’re selling

If you want to close a sale, first explain what you’re actually selling.

How to market to Generation X How to market to Generation X

Enough about millennials already. Here’s some advice on reaching those of my generation.

The beautiful park The beautiful park

If you loved something, why wouldn’t you want to share it?

The five stages of freelance pricing The five stages of freelance pricing

Five stages that freelancers pass through on the road to charging prices they’re happy with.

A new brand for moderate Labour A new brand for moderate Labour

If the Labour party splits, how could the moderate element rebrand itself?

Remain’s seven big marketing mistakes Remain’s seven big marketing mistakes

Seven mistakes that stopped Remain’s message about the EU getting through.