LinkedIn is just videogaming in a suit LinkedIn is just videogaming in a suit

How the LinkedIn app turns networking into a game genre all of its own.

Are copywriters liars? Are copywriters liars?

Are copywriters really paid to lie?

The mistake is the message The mistake is the message

Donald Trump uses mistakes in English as communicative tools. Should brands be doing the same?

Will a machine replace me? Will a machine replace me?

For the moment, AI can’t touch a human writer. But could that change?

Brands, be yourself Brands, be yourself

A supermarket tagline that’s out of step with the promise of the brand name.

Why you need an older copywriter Why you need an older copywriter

By ignoring older copywriters’ life experience, marketers could be neglecting their most lucrative prospects.

Dougal decides to Leave Dougal decides to Leave

A Brexit fable for those who remember The Magic Roundabout.

Why copywriting is undervalued Why copywriting is undervalued

Is copywriting seen as less valuable than design? And what can copywriters do about it?

This year’s must-have Christmas anxieties This year’s must-have Christmas anxieties

’Tis the season to be jolly worried. About a lot of things.